1. 賦能青年:通過專業的培訓和指導,幫助尼特族和弱勢青年提升技能,增強他們的自信心和就業能力。
2. 創造機會:提供多元化的展覽、活動及廣告就業平台,促進他們的職業發展和社會融入。
3. 關注需求:深入了解並回應尼特族及弱勢青年的需求,設計具針對性的活動和項目,以提升他們的生活質量。
4. 推動改變:透過我們的廣告和活動,提升社會對尼特族及弱勢青年問題的認識,倡導包容性和公平的社會環境。
We are an advertising and event planning company focused on providing employment opportunities for NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) individuals and disadvantaged youth. Our mission is to:
1. Empower Youth: Through professional training and guidance, we help NEET individuals and disadvantaged youth enhance their skills, boost their confidence, and improve their employability.
2. Create Opportunities: We offer diverse employment posts in event and advertising industry for promoting NEET individuals and disadvantaged youth career development and social integration.
3. Address Needs: We strive to deeply understand and respond to the needs of NEET individuals and disadvantaged youth, designing targeted activities and projects to improve their quality of life.
4. Drive Change: Through our advertising and events, we raise awareness of the issues faced by NEET individuals and disadvantaged youth, advocating for an inclusive and equitable social environment.
We believe that every young person should have the opportunity to realize their potential and shine in society. As a company, we are committed to paving the way for these youths towards success.